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A couple of Questions related to Book IV, Chapter 5

Posted Mar 08 2012 at 12:06 PM by
Pete Woodhead (petewdhd)
A few things I observed while doing the practice exercises in Book IV, Chapter 5.

    innerHtml.html does not work in Aptana 2.0 (the IE tab). If it’s using my IE then it’s version 9. Tried several times even closed Aptana and restarted it. It does work fine in FireFox 10.0.2.

    After running otherText.html, I reloaded the tab in Firefox and the normal text box did not clear and changes I had made to the text in the text area did not refresh to the original text. I’m just curious as to why?

Seems like I had at least one additional question, but it’s gone for now. :)
Posted: Mar 12 2012 kl. 4:26 PM

Honestly, Pete, I'm finished with Aptana. It was a really great tool a couple of years ago, but it's really not worth the effort any more. There are many bugs and frustrations. My current favorite editor is Komodo edit (the free edition) It does everything that Aptana does, but it's not as buggy and has a few built-in features that are plug-ins in aptana.
It has the ability to preview in your default browser, which should resolve your IE issue. Aptana uses an embedded version of IE, which is often out of date.

However, the real issue here is in fact IE, which still does not support innerHTML very well. It works, but not in every case. This can be extremely frustrating. For IE, you can use the value property instead, and see if this works.

Stephen Reed
Posted: Apr 15 2012 kl. 3:07 PM

Maybe it's because my usage of Aptana is limited to PHP and HTML, but I love Aptana.

It's an excellent PHP editor. Especially now that I found the format option that adjusts all indentations, spacing etc. to my preset preferences. Just awesome.

I also really like the completion and colorfull highlighting (on a beatiful black background).

Although I haven't used Komodo much, and do know that Aptana seems to lack curly brace pair highlighting, unlike Komodo. So I can't say I like Aptana better, just that I really like it.

(btw, I use Aptana 3.0)