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forum >> Programming questions >> Game Development

simpleGame Question

Posted Jun 08 2013 at 12:54 PM by
Paul Chambers (oregonaird)

Andy, I have read your book and it has given me what I need to start a very simple game i have in mind.

I am trying to complete 2 tasks which are not in your book tho.

1) I would like to animate certain tiles on a tiled map.
2) Everywhere I have read suggests I should use a sprite sheet for the tiled map. Similar to how the animations work in your book. Can you achieve this using simpleGame or will I need to code it.

I have looked for some reference documents but cannot find any.

Kind Regards
Posted: Jul 19 2013 kl. 1:22 PM

Sorry I didn't see your request earlier. I've been traveling.

1) Are you wanting to animate the tiles themselves, or do you want to place some sort of animated figure on top of an static tile-set?

In either case, it's not terribly difficult.

You already have a sprite class that can use a sprite sheet. The tile map is nothing but an array of sprites. So animate each cell by animating the sprite that contains each cell.

However, be sure you can handle a static tilemap first. There's no need to add animation (which brings a lot of complexity and not much gameplay benefit) until you've got the main gameplay working.