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Check out the site redesign

Posted by Andy (admin) on Dec 30 2011
Blog >>

 I've just launched a major site redesign at aharrisbooks.net.  I've added a number of new features I think you will like:

Book Section

I've added a section for each book. Click on the books menu to see cover images of all the current books.  Click on any cover to see the book's title page. From there, you can see all the code and examples from every program. For web-based languages, every program is running on the web site.  

Homeschool Section

I'm now serving as the technology columnist for The Old Schoolhouse magazine. I'm writing a monthly column on how to use computing in your home curriculum. Even if you don't read the column, you can see my companion page here every month. I'll post links to any software I discuss, and most months I'll have a youtube video or two describing something interesting I've found.



I'll be posting regularly on this site. Stay tuned to learn about my upcoming speaking engagements and news about what I'm up to. I'll also sometimes post some opinion pieces about current trends in technology.


Long ago I had a forum on the site, and it was extremely popular. However, I was running into some spam problems, so I took it down. I'm trying again with new software, and we'll see how it works. This is a great place to ask questions, and look at responses to some of the other questions people have asked me.


If you want a chance to send me a message, please use the contact page. You can then send me an email with specific questions or comments. I'll do my best to get back with you quickly, but I get a lot of emails.

Technical Note

The site redesign was done entirely using skills taught in HTML / XHTML / CSS All in One for Dummies.  If you want to make this type of website for yourself, that book contains everything you'll need to know.

Last changed: Dec 30 2011 at 1:58 PM
